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About the Humane Society

The Logan County Humane Society was established in May of 1988 by a small group of dedicated citizens who saw a need to help the dogs and cats of our area, and determined to fill it. For the past 35+ years the LCHS has been working to save, care for, advocate for and find homes for Logan’s dogs and cats.


In February 2024 we left the Morgantown Road shelter, our home of almost 15 years, which became the home of Animal Control and dog shelter, controlled solely by the County and Fiscal Court.


Since then we have moved to a temporary location where we have opened our new Adoption facility and are making plans to build a brand new Adoption Center that includes a desperately needed Spay-Neuter Clinic. 


The LCHS has been an integral part of Logan County for over three decades; our brand new Board has a huge new Vision for our next 30 years and we are so excited to build a new Humane Society that is ready, willing and able to properly serve this great county for many decades to come!

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